Author Profile

Stephen Cirell

Articles by Stephen Cirell

Freeing up a grid logjam

By Stephen Cirell | 27 June 2014

Stepen Cirell explains how councils can gain maximum benefits from renewable energy schemes.

PluggedIn - Stephen Cirell

By Stephen Cirell | 30 April 2014

Local authorities should seize on DECC's community energy strategy to engage more strongly with r...

'Don't be an ostrich on energy efficiency'

By Stephen Cirell | 03 October 2013

With so many competing priorities in local government, it might be tempting to be a bit of an ost...

Keep it green

By Stephen Cirell | 12 June 2013

Forget trying to win hearts and minds on environmental matters, says Stephen Cirrell. The 'carbon...

Civic wind energy schemes move a step closer

By Stephen Cirell | 19 February 2013

Stephen Cirrell looks at the difference between community energy renewal projects and civic sche...

Renewable finance option on offer

By Stephen Cirell | 04 December 2012

Financing renewable energy schemes is taking different forms, Stephen Cirell explains.

Town hall enthusiasm lacks energy

By Stephen Cirell | 04 December 2012

Local government is only just beginning to appreciate the implications of energy efficiency, says...

Climate advice clouds the issue

By Stephen Cirell | 03 October 2012

The Government has recognised councils must play a role in cutting carbon emissions but guidance ...

Should there be a statutory duty for carbon?

By Stephen Cirell | 13 June 2012

Stephen Cirell disagrees with last month's recommendation by the Committee on Climate Change for ...

Reining in climate change

By Stephen Cirell | 02 May 2012

For a council's climate change strategy to be effective, vital measures must be taken, says Steph...