Author Profile

Alex Mathieson

Articles by Alex Mathieson

Hard Times Promoting Greater Synergy

By Alex Mathieson | 01 November 2012

Councils are still in a prime position to make things happen through exerting municipal power, sa...

A Confirmed Connection - Mobile Technology offers new opportunities

By Alex Mathieson | 08 October 2012

It's impossible to ignore the mobile GIS revolution that has swept the consumer world, says Alex ...

Achieving cost efficiencies and citizen satisfaction by moving to the cloud

By Alex Mathieson | 10 September 2012

The release of location-based data can lead to new ways of improving citizen self-services, says ...

Big Data, Big Opportunity!

By Alex Mathieson | 17 August 2012

Big data is here to stay, according to Alex Mathieson.

The 'Scrap' to Stop Metal Theft

By Alex Mathieson | 01 August 2012

Metal theft costs the UK around £770 million a year and can impact everybody in the community, sa...

Graffiti management doesn't need to be such a costly citizen service

By Alex Mathieson | 12 July 2012

For local authorities and other agencies graffiti has become a really expensive headache, says Al...

How data sharing and centralising print could unlock cash savings

By Alex Mathieson | 02 July 2012

Alex Mathieson,from Pitney Bowes Software explains how local authorities can achieve savings in t...