Lancashire CC has appointed an interim chief executive and director of resources after the previo...
Better scrutiny is needed at Windsor and Maidenhead RLBC, which is otherwise high-achieving and f...
Local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) should publish their agendas, decisions, accounts and a roll...
The rollout of Universal Credit (UC) must be paused, the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA...
Croydon LBC has made three new additions to its children’s social care team, after its services w...
Rent arrears among council tenants claiming Universal Credit (UC) across the UK could reach sever...
Bristol City Council’s mayor has dismissed the overview and scrutiny committee’s concerns about h...
Chelmsford City Council’s chief executive Steve Packham has died of lung cancer at the age of 66.
Sheffield City Council has decided to loan £3m to its own housebuilding company to build 1,000 ne...
Public services provider Serco has strengthened its partnership with Hertfordshire CC in a contra...
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