Author Profile

Dave Hill

Articles by Dave Hill

The secret of success

By Dave Hill | 30 January 2019

Dave Hill outlines Surrey CC’s transformation plans, including a restructure of 2,500 staff from ...

Taking stock of fostering

By Dave Hill | 21 February 2017

Amid news of a national fostering stocktake, Dave Hill explains there are a host of challenges to...

Responding to the needs of child asylum seekers

By Dave Hill | 29 November 2016

Local authorities are working hard to support unaccompanied asylum seeking children but swift act...

Joining forces to tackle sexual exploitation

By Dave Hill | 18 October 2016

Child sexual exploitation cannot be tackled by local government alone and councils are undertakin...

Determined to improve life chances

By Dave Hill | 09 September 2016

Dave Hill reflects on the ADCS annual conference and discusses how best to support the country's ...

Bad marks for ministers

By Dave Hill | 17 May 2016

Dave Hill explains his concerns about the impact academisation could have on child safeguarding

A safe way forward

By Dave Hill | 06 April 2016

As he takes on the role of president of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services, Dave...