Turnover of local government chiefs threatens to de-stabilise a sector struggling to cope with de...
Town hall employers have said they want to join Whitehall-union negotiations over local governmen...
An employment adviser to prime minister, David Cameron, has urged councils and their business par...
Suffolk County Council will announce the result of its legal inquiry on Monday.
Suffolk CC has parted company with its chief executive, Andrea Hill, following the conclusion of ...
Reports have suggested a civil servant has been dismissed from the DCLG pending an appeal, after ...
Eric Pickles has delivered the closing speech to the LGA conference in Birmingham.
A leading welfare adviser has urged councils and their business partners to set up 'rebel'LEPs.
Communities secretary reveals move to make councils ‘85 per cent self-sufficient’
Greg Clark urges councils to ask Whitehall for the right to run services outside their remit.
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