Three London boroughs experimenting with joint management initiatives have appointed a tri-boroug...
As Eric Pickles unveils plans to localise the business rate, questions are raised over future win...
Politicians and public bodies are making a big ‘mistake’ by not investing in third sector capacit...
One of the masterminds of local government’s ‘easyCouncil’ initiative has been appointed to lead ...
The Homes and Communities Agency is seeking senior recruits for its regulation committee.
Local government ministers are expected to publish their review of local government finances late...
Coalition plans to open up public service markets to a wider variety of providers have failed to ...
Plans for a new local government finance system must garner support across the political spectrum...
Unison has urged Shropshire CC not to proceed with plans to sack 6,500 staff and re-hire them wit...
Southampton's deadline for new employee terms and conditions appear to have been snubbed by hundr...
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