Author Profile

Richard Crouch

Richard Crouch

Articles by Richard Crouch

A winning partnership

By Richard Crouch | 17 October 2018

Outsourcing is often seen in a negative context – but when managed correctly public-private partn...

Crisis in healthcare – who's to blame?

By Richard Crouch | 15 January 2015

We need to be absolutely clear of what is going on in the system before pointing any finger, writ...

Sowing the seeds of change

By Richard Crouch | 28 May 2014

Richard Crouch looks back on the last few years of public sector reform and asks what progress ha...

Are managers up for people management?

By Richard Crouch | 09 April 2014

Give the responsibility of managing people to those who specialise in this area, argues Richard C...

Is sickness absence a sign of weakness?

By Richard Crouch | 18 February 2014

PPMA president Richard Crouch argues councils need more effective leadership and management, not ...

The human balancing act

By Richard Crouch | 23 September 2013

Richard Crouch assesses social employment and fears a diminishing ‘human’ contribution in public ...

Perform reform

By Richard Crouch | 24 July 2013

In the aftermath of the Spending Review, the LGA’s Rewiring Public Services offers a forthright p...

When reform gets parked

By Richard Crouch | 01 May 2013

Richard Crouch comments on the lack of bargaining and what that will mean for employees.