Author Profile

Stephen Weigel

Stephen Weigel

Articles by Stephen Weigel

A mismatch between motive and facts on voter ID

By Stephen Weigel | 17 January 2022

‘Partygate’ and rule breaking may be a major distraction from electoral proposals that may disenf...

Making waves on chief executive pay

By Stephen Weigel | 16 February 2016

Following historic revelations about gravitational waves, Stephen Weigel says the time is right f...

Striking discrepancy

By Stephen Weigel | 12 January 2015

Conservative calls to make it more difficult to permit public sector strikes could have the oppos...

Cause and effect

By Stephen Weigel | 05 January 2015

Should more money be put directly into the ring-fenced NHS or is it wiser to protect local counci...

All aboard the Euro gravy train

By Stephen Weigel | 30 May 2014

Stephen Weigel provides a unique take on the benefits of being an MEP.

Whose public property is it anyway?

By Stephen Weigel | 27 February 2014

Stephen Weigel draws comparisons between Nixon's White House tapes and the decision to block publ...

Speed the plough

By Stephen Weigel | 11 July 2013

Local government is the plough of the public sector, making improvments for the benefit of all, w...

Voters go to polls in local elections

By Stephen Weigel | 02 May 2013

Local elections are today being contested across 27 English county councils, seven unitaries and ...

Out of step over EU vote?

By Stephen Weigel | 05 February 2013

Predicting the result of a referendum of the EU is as unpredictable as Strictly Come Dancing, say...

A new chief executive at Tandridge DC

By Stephen Weigel | 28 November 2012

Stephen Weigel reflects on his role at Tandridge District Council as he departs, and welcomes the...