Author Profile

Abdool Kara

Abdool Kara

Abdool Kara is executive leader for local services at the National Audit Office and former chief execuitve of Swale BC

Articles by Abdool Kara

A late-notice, short-term and partial settlement poses problems

By Abdool Kara | 18 January 2022

There may be a clue about why the sector only has a one-year settlement in the lack of announceme...

Finding evidence to support the 'bleedin' obvious'

By Abdool Kara | 02 November 2021

Abdool Kara asks why such a small proportion of health money is devoted to preventative activiti...

Data shows the difference

By Abdool Kara | 06 September 2021

Despite all the legislation and guidance, there is still endless variation in local government, s...

The future is already here

By Abdool Kara | 19 May 2021

Success can only come from choosing our battles - and our timing - well, and working for change ...

The White Paper recognises coterminosity makes a strategic difference

By Abdool Kara | 23 March 2021

Abdool Kara asks if the lessons of Lansley will be learned, 'especially the making-redundant-the...

Councils' role is vital to a fulsome recovery

By Abdool Kara | 26 January 2021

Some loved ones will not be around to experience the renaissance when it comes. But for those who...

The importance of a wise intermediate layer

By Abdool Kara | 10 November 2020

Little has been written during the pandemic about the missing role of intermediate layers of gove...

Before reorganisation we need a clear view of the sector's core purpose

By Abdool Kara | 16 September 2020

How local government 'can sensibly be reorganised without a clear view of its core purpose (will ...

Let's think carefully about the best scale for delivering public services

By Abdool Kara | 20 July 2020

We have seen a lack of sophisticated thinking by Government about the level at which COVID-19 ini...

The COVID review is yet to come

By Abdool Kara | 27 May 2020

The NAO is being careful not to compromise the emergency response to COVID-19, but there will be ...