As we prepare to scrap Local Enterprise Partnerships, Abdool Kara asks what will we do next to dr...
The increase in risky business models in local government has led to the litany of high-profile f...
The NHS cannot be afforded higher than inflationary financial increases year-on-year ad infinitum...
Could the resources invested in failed bids, added to the immense resources needed to assess them...
Some combination of senior councillors and officers is at fault when it comes to council failures...
Abdool Kara considers why a Government should invest in prevention when it will make no tangible ...
We may talk in terms of prevention, preservation or perhaps resilience, but the evidence is that ...
If we are going to make progress on equality, diversity and inclusion local government needs to c...
Abdool Kara says it is straightforward to direct Government capital and infrastructure cash towar...
The crisis in Ukraine is seeing countries around the world unite in support of its people, writes...
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