What has Sepp Blatter got in common with local government? Quite a lot, Abdool Kara argues.
Abdool Kara reflects on what he views as a malicious flurry of arbitrary official diktats issued ...
Abdool Kara sets out three example areas - New Homes Bonus, business rates and sector-led improve...
Years of determined efforts with local partners has paid off and could put Swale BC in a position...
Swale BC chief offers ten top tips for the next DCLG secretary of state.
Swale BC chief on what The Co-operative Bank could learn from local government.
Swale BC voices concerns about the standards of evidence applied to public policy-making.
Swale BC chief would appreciate greater consistency from DCLG in 2014.
New Homes Bonus saga is an example of the danger of policies with limited shelf-life, comments Sw...
Ficuscarica is a species of flowering plant in the genus Ficus, from the family Moraceae, whose l...
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