A bluffer's guide to big data and local government

Alexander Stevenson delves behind the curtains to explore if big data is the big white hype of the IT industry or a tool councils can use to drive performance.

Big data is attracting plenty of hype – what should local government do with it?

Here are five thoughts to help hone your approach.

1. Big data is not a helpful term
– for a start nobody can really define it.  It hovers uncomfortably between being defined literally (i.e. a lot of data – though it is unclear how many gigabytes, terabytes or petabytes actually qualify as big data) and as a movement.  In either case it is evolutionary rather than revolutionary.  Ever since the Romans conducted a census to aid tax collection in Britain, Governments have been using data to help them manage more effectively.  Using data – even lots of it – is nothing new.


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