Burnham calls for English Barnett Formula

The Government should create an English version of the Barnett Formula to deliver fair funding outside of London, the mayor of Greater Manchester has said.

The Government should create an English version of the Barnett Formula to deliver fair funding outside of London, the mayor of Greater Manchester has said.

Andy Burnham argued that an English equivalent to the formula, which ensures that extra public spending in England is matched by additional funding for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, would end the ‘tyranny' of the Whitehall bidding culture.

Speaking at an event later today, Mayor Burnham is expected to say: ‘We have had 20 years where there has been a different deal on offer for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland compared to the rest of the UK and where London has had preferential treatment, and that cannot continue.

‘The hoarding of power at a national level is deeply unhealthy and the UK must embrace a more federal form of government, much deeper devolution to all parts of the UK and an English version of the Barnett Formula.'


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