Digital standards drive launched

New standards designed to improve the quality of council services delivered digitally will be launched at the end of this month.

New standards designed to improve the quality of council services delivered digitally will be launched at the end of this month.

They have been modelled on the Government's 18-point Digital Service Standard and a draft is currently out to consultation.

It is hoped that all local authorities will sign up to the standards, which will cover the increasing number of digital services they now deliver, such as paying council tax bills online.

Speaking yesterday, Cabinet Office minister Matt Hancock said: ‘Digital services are transforming the way we deliver services and interact with citizens.

‘Local government is often at the forefront of these interactions so it is important the councils continue to embrace digital.

‘The Government Digital Service will continue to work together with councils to create better local services for people across the UK.'

Comments on the draft standard can be made via this link.


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