Digital transformation – the new norm

COVID has forced us to change the way we work forever says Ben Manojlovic, and local authorities have increasingly had to look at digital transformation in order to move forwards – but what are the benefits?

For many of us COVID-19 has meant we haven't been in an office environment since the Government introduced measures back in March. We haven't seen colleagues, clients or candidates in a face to face capacity for months. Businesses including Veredus, both public and private, have been forced to transform how they do the 'day job' in the new world we are living in

Throughout the year, here at Veredus, we have worked hard to support our clients' needs and find innovative ways to support and offer a more flexible approach. COVID has forced us to transform the way we work forever; this was inevitable as the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, but the pandemic has accelerated the natural evolution of the 'norm'.

Many businesses have now successfully mobilised most of their people to work from home but now what comes next? The balance of remote working versus making the workplace a safe and collaborative environment; finding the right mix between virtual and human interaction?

This is where digital transformation is needed. 'Transformation' has been one of the buzz words in local government for a number of years and 'digital' has now joined this at the top of the list. How local services are delivered has changed, with a real shift in focus, as local authorities turn to technology to deliver services remotely. COVID has brought a radical change in thinking and local authorities, more than ever, are focused on digital transformation and revolutionising the way services are delivered.

So what are the benefits of this new world, and what does it mean for our leaders?

• Efficiency. Not only can local authorities get closer to their communities and involve them in shaping how they want to receive services, but this can be delivered remotely, 24/7, with fewer staff and at lower cost.

• Trust. Customer satisfaction in local government has been high for a number of years. This will continue as citizens access more services and become accustomed to interacting with councils in this new way, but only if backed up by accountability for delivery and reassurances over data integrity and security.

• Simplification. Digital technologies create opportunities to explore new models for service delivery and demonstrate a clearer link between investment in services and measurable outcomes for citizens.

Digital transformation involves technology, data, people and most importantly organisational change – and this is where Veredus can support.

Veredus has a long and illustrious track record of partnering with local authorities and enabling them to hire the best talent in the market that can help bring the required change. Our talent research business (Veredus Insight) provides a tailored service to clients around obtaining primary business information & insight/intelligence.

The key, to genuine ‘insights' is real time conversation, using aggregated online data backed up by real time conversations we uncover true business intelligence and organisational/market insight to help our clients make better informed decisions.

Ben Manojlovic is local government consultant at Veredus


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