East Dorset to look again at unitary option

East Dorset DC has softened its opposition to exploring the possibility of a unitary council for the county.

East Dorset DC has softened its opposition to exploring the possibility of a unitary council for the county.

The council had been the only one in Dorset not to take part in a county-wide study into new models of local government. 

But it said new factors had come to light since December, such as fresh cuts in the local government finance settlement and the emerging devolution agenda. 

Cllr Robin Cook, the council's portfolio holder for change and transformation, said: ‘When members took the decision not to be involved in the work to look at future options for the county we did not know about the Government's powers with regard to their devolution agenda nor were we aware of just how much government grant we would be losing in the coming years. 

‘It seems sensible that members now re-examine that decision in the light of that extra information to see whether we believe it would now be more relevant for us to be part of the county-wide work to look at future options for local government in Dorset.' 

Members will debate the proposal at a full council meeting on Monday.


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