EXCLUSIVE: Survey paints grim picture for youth services

Just one in 10 senior children’s services professionals believe local government has a future in universal youth services provision, an exclusive report has revealed.

Just one in 10 senior children's services professionals believe local government has a future in universal youth services provision, an exclusive report has revealed.

The survey of 100 senior children's services decision-makers, conducted by charity OnSide Youth Zones, revealed a bleak picture for youth services.

None of those questioned felt they were offering ‘excellent' youth services, with only 28% saying their provision ‘meets expectations'.

A significant majority (81%) were looking at establishing new vehicles to increase funding. Some 42% said they were considering entering into partnerships, 39% were exploring foundations or mutuals and 19% were considering social impact bonds.

The report prompted the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) to demand a ‘clear, comprehensive and cross-cutting vision from government' in relation to services for children and young people.

The chair of the ADCS families, communities and young people policy committee, Jenny Coles, said: ‘As budgets get tighter, tough decisions over the future of non-statutory services have had to be made and this has had an impact on the preventative offer and children's social care services across the board.'

Chief executive for OnSide Youth Zones, Kathryn Morley, said: ‘Stakeholders need to coalesce around the issue if we are to find the innovative, collaborative and effective solutions needed to support young people now and into the future.'


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