Finding your tribe

East Sussex CC chief executive Becky Shaw explains how feeling supported and part of a movement provides the energy we need to tackle diversity gaps.

One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given was: ‘Find your tribe and nurture it.'

I am lucky because I belong to several of these tribes at work, some within East Sussex and two in particular beyond our borders. One is a small group from a wide range of sectors that meets and eats regularly. A second has never met but exists purely in the virtual domain. What these two tribes have in common is that they are made up entirely of women, which makes them special and different in a way that is difficult to describe but very tangible.

Women are often used to being in a minority at work, especially in senior local government roles, so to be part of a diverse group that has a common experience is very powerful. My tribes are places where I can be honest about what has worked well and what's gone terribly wrong. Places where I can laugh and be supported and challenged until my head hurts and my brain fizzes. These are the conversations that give me a sense of belonging, that make me resilient, determined and able to do my job.

Feeling supported and part of a movement provides the energy we need to tackle the diversity gaps.

We need to draw attention to the inequities and make the case for change loudly. We need to be visible and accessible, as real models not role models.

We all need to remember ‘deeds, not words' and take practical action. It can be big set pieces but it is also the smaller stuff – noticing, listening, encouraging, understanding, making room and determinedly questioning.

We must always be alert and persistent, supporting the less-heard voices, challenging and changing working cultures. It is raising all our children well and supporting the next generation of leaders to be different.

These are the ways we can pay testament to those who fought over the years for suffrage and so much more.

Some might wonder about the purpose of an article like this, but for me it is very clear: to say thank you to the women who have gone before us; to salute all those who are working hard to make progress now; and to make a commitment to all those who follow. We will do all we can to help you thrive and expand the horizons of what is possible for all of us.

Becky Shaw is chief executive of East Sussex CC


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