Improving engagement and communication across the NHS in a time of crisis

Effective communication and digital innovation is the key to keeping employees engaged and well-informed, says Steve Brain. Communication apps, like Civica's Connect, provide Trust leaders and HR teams with a platform to share resources, he adds.

It's no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has put a large strain on the NHS's resources. Hospital facilities have needed reorganisation, with employees redeployed against a backdrop of existing shortages. Among many other vital organisational changes, it has forced Trusts across the country to question how they distribute information and handle employee communication.

NHS leaders have called on all hospital trusts to ensure information and guidance around social distancing, hand hygiene and PPE measures are widely promoted and accessible to all employees. In response, Trusts are coming up with innovative solutions, including apps, to ensure employees are kept up to date. As the rules around COVID-19 constantly evolve, apps are an easy and dynamic portal through which Trusts can consolidate communications and reach everyone across the organisation.

We've worked with Southern Health and Social Care to develop the Connect app, designed to support information sharing for employees by providing a central hub for information. Connect is being used to share vital information around COVID-19 for example to notify employees about a PPE delivery, provide the latest guidance on screening and to answer questions via the chatbot functionality.

Communication apps, like Connect, provide Trust leaders and HR teams with a platform to share resources such as the latest news, podcasts and essential reading. This could include guides on how medical staff can look after their own mental health and wellbeing.

Apps enable joined-up communications with part-time, contract and community staff who may not otherwise have access to corporate systems. This is especially important in giving those in the field access to the Trust's systems, to ensure they are aware of the latest advice and adhere to the correct procedures.

NHS HR leaders can also use apps as a platform to support training and development for employees. Apps provide staff with hands-on training and specialist clinical-based content virtually, ensuring knowledge is kept up to date without compromising physical wellbeing.

Keeping employees engaged and well-informed is fundamental to any workplace. It's vital for employees to have access to the latest information to ensure their safety and they feel valued, while having the best resources for continuous learning and development.

There's no doubt that effective communication and digital innovation is the key to achieving this.

Steve Brain is executive director health & care at Civica


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