Johnson pledges £5bn 'new deal' on capital projects

Boris Johnson is expected to bring forward £5bn of investment in hospitals, roads and schools later today.

Boris Johnson will bring forward £5bn of investment in hospitals, roads and schools later today.

He will promise to use the coronavirus crisis to ‘to tackle this country's great unresolved challenges of the last three decades'.

The ‘New Deal' sets out plans to ‘build back better' by investing £5bn to accelerate infrastructure projects and create new jobs.

This includes £1.5bn for hospital maintenance, £1bn for new schools, £900m for ‘shovel ready' local growth projects, and £100m for 29 road projects.

He is expected to say: ‘Too many parts of this country have felt left behind, neglected, unloved, as though someone had taken a strategic decision that their fate did not matter as much as the metropolis.

'And so I want you to know that this government not only has a vision to change this country for the better, we have a mission to unite and level up – the mission on which we were elected last year.'


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