Smart cities could be targeted by hackers, experts warn

Local authorities have been given expert guidance to help protect their smart cities from cyber attacks.

Local authorities have been given expert guidance to help protect their smart cities from cyber attacks.

The National Cyber Security Centre has published a set of principles to help local authorities securely design, manage and build smart cities.

It warned that smart city technology such as parking sensors, traffic lights and sensors to monitor air pollution were all potential targets for cyber attacks due to the critical functions they provide and the sensitive data they process.

Technical director at the NCSC, Dr Ian Levy, said: 'While these benefits should be embraced, it's important to take steps now to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and their potentially serious impact on these interconnected networks.'

The principles advise local authorities on the required cyber security governance and skills, the role of suppliers, risks and how connected places can be designed to protect data.


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