We need to think smarter about age

There is no silver bullet that will solve local government’s workforce challenges but thinking smarter about age must be part of the answer, says Graeme McDonald.

Last week's Local Government Association survey confirms that workforce is now a key vulnerability across the sector.

After a long period of under-investment and stagnant wages, a career in local government is not attractive. In the battle for talent councils are losing out across the breadth of professions – and often left fighting among themselves in a slowly diminishing pool.

Solace has repeatedly called in recent years for greater Government investment in local government talent development in order to match the level of support quite rightly provided to other parts of the public sector. We also believe there should be a campaign to attract people at all stages of their career into the sector. Far too few people know what a rewarding career it can be; we need to shift perceptions of what councils do.

We should also recognise there remains much unrealised potential in the sector. The Solace leads on diversity highlighted continuing under-representation in The MJ last month. There are many reasons to improve this, but our workforce pressures only sharpen the need.

Similarly, with increasing numbers of older workers leaving the workforce, councils need to hold on to as many talented, experienced individuals as possible. This is one reason why Solace is among the first businesses and organisations in the country to sign up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge – a new nationwide programme run by the Centre for Ageing Better to make workplaces age-friendly.

We want to show our commitment to older workers at Solace, as well as championing the approach for the sector.

Diversity takes many forms and older workers have much to offer, often complementing the skills of those earlier in their careers. Creating teams with a mix of experience can not only help boost productivity, but strengthen the leadership pipeline of the future, too. And at a time when the labour market is tight, the ability to attract and retain talent of all ages will help keep local services thriving.

There is no silver bullet that will solve local government's workforce challenges but thinking smarter about age must be part of the answer.

Graeme McDonald is managing director of Solace



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