South Lakeland has been truly transformed

From April 1 Cumbria will be reorganised into two unitary authorities. In his final column for The MJ, chief executive of South Lakeland DC Lawrence Conway looks back at the themes that have dominated his writing in the past 10 years.

As this is my final column before I head off into the sunset, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on the previous decade of writing and look forward to what I hope is still to come.

There are a short number of themes that prevail, namely the economy, health and social behaviours. I think it's fair to say that on the economy, it has been a rather up and down affair. For an area that has had very little investment since 2010, one of the ways to ensure a prosperous economy has been to create an environment for business where the focus is on them, and the wider impacts on our local communities. It is a partnership.

Working within the two-tier environment can be challenging, though collaboration and locality working always seem to provide the best outcomes. I hope we see more of the national endeavour expressed in real terms, rather than the fragmented way in which it currently functions, where local government is valued for what it can offer.

With regard to health and wellbeing, the ability to join up services has been one that's running at different speeds, even when the opportunity arises to work together. Again, a joined-up approach centrally will be the touch stone for better service and outcomes. Public service reform comes and goes, and never seems to quite get the lift-off it needs.

Stepping into the chief executive role in 2010, at the very start of what was to become known as the austerity years, was a tough introduction. The salami-slicing of budgets and services, irrespective of the outcomes, has meant we have had to look for alternative solutions to solve the problems that still exist today. A true transformation.

This requires a bold move to embrace the necessary changes at all levels of Government and from those organisations that represent us. I hope that will be forthcoming sooner rather than later.

Finally, may I thank The MJ for the opportunity to share my thoughts and ramblings and to all my local government colleagues, may I wish you well on your journey. Until next time...

Lawrence Conway is chief executive of South Lakeland DC



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