Lending rates could spike after audit reset, LGA warns

By Dan Peters | 01 March 2024

Proposals to reset the local audit system and clear the backlog of accounts could drive up the le...


Audit Commission fears continue to haunt Oflog

By Dan Peters | 26 February 2024

A senior sector figure has expressed concerns about the Office for Local Government’s (Oflog) dir...


Plymouth told to 'hold its nerve' on budget

By Martin Ford | 19 February 2024

Plymouth City Council’s budget for the forthcoming year hinges on a request to the Government for...


Oflog data explorer to cover all main sector services by mid-2025

By Dan Peters | 16 February 2024

The Office for Local Government’s data explorer will cover all the main services offered by the s...


Delay is the way

13 February 2024

Diary waited with bated breath on deadline last week as Whitehall put the final touches to a cons...


Time for change: An early review for the Code of Audit Practice

By Mike Newbury | 13 February 2024

Change is needed now to resolve the broader problems in the local audit market, and together with...


Accountancy bodies move to offer dual membership

By Dan Peters | 12 February 2024

Two accountancy bodies are putting the ‘finishing touches’ to the registration process for an acc...


Consultation on audit reset proposals launched

By Martin Ford | 09 February 2024

Proposals to reset the local audit system and clear the backlog of accounts have been officially ...


Statutory recommendations lifted at Sandwell

By Martin Ford | 08 February 2024

Auditors have lifted the three statutory recommendations in place at Sandwell MBC.


Audit 'backstops' could become permanent

By Martin Ford | 06 February 2024

‘Backstop’ dates designed to reset the local audit system could become a ‘permanent feature,’ the...


Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

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Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

Ashfield District Council

Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer)


Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

Rochdale BC


Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

Now is a great time to look at joining Reading. Apply for this job

Reading Borough Council

Executive Director, Operations

£97,601 per annum

Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

Ashfield District Council

Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer)


Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

Rochdale BC