Council shuns bitcoin suggestion

By Dan Peters | 03 January 2019

Walsall MBC has shunned a suggestion from its local Conservative MP for residents to be allowed t...


Rotherham to raise council tax on empty homes

By John Cooper | 18 December 2018

Rotherham MBC’s cabinet has agreed to changes which mean homes left vacant for more than 10 years...


Finance settlement: Government floats commercialisation crackdown

By Dan Peters | 13 December 2018

Whitehall is considering a crackdown on councils that excessively borrow for commercial reasons a...


Councils to take £200m hit under Scottish budget proposals

By Martin Ford | 13 December 2018

A row has broken out over local government funding in the Scottish Government’s proposed budget.


Social care Green Paper delayed again amid Westminster turmoil

By Dan Peters | 12 December 2018

Turmoil in Westminster has piled further uncertainty onto local government, with the social care ...


We need to talk about finance

By Piali Das Gupta | 12 December 2018

Piali Das Gupta wants central Government, caught up with Brexit, to start paying attention to the...


Council tax hikes across the board in Scotland

By Mike Yuille | 29 November 2018

All 32 Scottish councils have increased their council tax charges during 2018, as part of a strat...


Brokenshire: We need to raise our game and get London building

By Dan Peters | 17 November 2018

Housing secretary James Brokenshire has criticised London boroughs after statistics showed a ‘mix...


Reform council tax or lose our support, Greens tell SNP

By Hiba Mahamadi | 22 October 2018

Without any progress on council tax reform the Greens will vote down the upcoming Scottish budget...


SOLACE Summit: Dawes rejects NHS cash grab idea

By Dan Peters | 19 October 2018

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) top civil servant has encoura...