Cash collection made simple

By Tim Pearse | 10 July 2018

Councils could bring in vital extra funding if they apply behavioural insights to revenue collect...


LGA under pressure on student council tax

By Dan Peters | 10 July 2018

Councillors have put Smith Square under pressure to lobby the Government to give local authoritie...


Power to Change your view

09 July 2018

Some say we grow to become the things we disliked as youngsters.


Rise in children's services spending

By Dan Peters | 28 June 2018

The amount expected to be spent on children’s social care in 2018/19 is up 6.8% or £542m compared...


MPs say levy for over 40s could fund free social care

By Martin Ford | 26 June 2018

People aged over 40 should pay a dedicated social care premium to fund free care in the future, M...


Needs review to decide council tax support

By Dan Peters | 25 June 2018

Funding for local council tax support schemes will be considered as part of the review of needs a...


Localis: Council tax restrictions should be eased

By Mark Conrad | 25 June 2018

Ministers should lift restrictions on council tax increases and let town halls set local taxes fo...


Districts resist council tax support pressure

By Dan Peters | 15 June 2018

Districts have hit back at Government pressure for them to pass on cash for local council tax sup...


The Seattle battle is a warning over tax raising

By Heather Jameson | 16 May 2018

No one ever said tax was popular, but Seattle City Council faced the wrath of big business this w...


Reorganisation: papering over the cracks?

By Christian Wall | 14 May 2018

Christian Wall explains why he believes simply reorganising Northamptonshire CC is seductive and ...