Call for a radical rethink on the generational divide

By Michael Burton | 08 May 2018

Radical changes to housing, council and inheritance tax and pensions are needed to end the unfair...


Future Forum: Thomson optimistic about health and care integration

By Dan Peters | 27 April 2018

Health and social care integration can be achieved within two years, the managing director of Nor...


Future Forum: LGA to push for place-based EU funding replacement

By Dan Peters | 27 April 2018

The Local Government Association (LGA) will push for a place-based replacement for EU funding aft...


A holistic view of citizen debt is crucial to collection

By Gary Bell | 20 April 2018

Many councils are now writing off huge amounts of debt as they lack the resources to follow colle...


LGA report suggests lifting of council tax freeze

By Dan Peters | 19 April 2018

Broxtowe BC should consider lifting its council tax freeze as it begins to use reserves at a ‘sig...


White Van Man on ... council tax

By Hiba Mahamadi | 10 April 2018

My local council hasn’t put up its council tax in years. Don’t ask me what it’s done with all the...


Parish pressure over council tax support

By Dan Peters | 09 April 2018

Billing authorities are facing increased Government pressure to hand parish councils cash to fund...


Holyrood debates scrapping council tax

By Sam Clayden | 29 March 2018

The Scottish Green Party has demanded an end to the ‘out of date, archaic, regressive’ council tax.


Councils plan largest council tax rise in 13 years

By Mark Conrad | 28 March 2018

Council Tax levels will increase by an average of 5.1% across England in 2018/19, the largest ris...


IFS implores action over growing social care funding chasm

By Heather Jameson | 20 March 2018

The Government will need to scrap its funding reforms, significantly boost top-ups or centralise ...