‘Significant further improvements’ are needed before full powers are restored to Rotherham MBC, c...
Bournemouth BC is expected to bring a controversial outsourcing contract back in-house.
A former detective constable has secured the top job at Mansfield DC after a senior management re...
Michael Burton explains how the EU referendum could have a significant impact on local elections
Every leader must consider what must be done to ensure their organisation resets itself to apply ...
Owen Willcox provides a guide for councillors to enable them to maintain proper conduct whether t...
Thurrock BC is firing on all cylinders when it comes to taking the lead in promoting the region’s...
Gillian Guy explains how councils can be more proactive in simplifying their communication proces...
Raising cash through a ‘mansion tax’ is among proposals to deal with funding cuts amid rising ten...
Nottinghamshire councils are at loggerheads over calls to scrap districts.
Reporting to the General Counsel, you will be a Deputy Monitoring Officer who will lead and develop democratic services... Apply for this job
Are you passionate about delivering high-quality reablement and support for service users to live independently? Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
Reporting to the General Counsel, you will be a Deputy Monitoring Officer who will lead and develop democratic services... Apply for this job
Are you passionate about delivering high-quality reablement and support for service users to live independently? Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job