Care Act easements end

By Martin Ford | 26 March 2021

Emergency powers allowing councils to suspend Care Act requirements during the pandemic have been...


Sparking a digital revolution in the Thames Estuary

By Kate Willard | 26 March 2021

Catalysing best-in-class digital infrastructure in the Thames Estuary is key to providing benefit...


Public health professionals warn against 'top-down domination'

By Martin Ford | 25 March 2021

The Government’s new approach to public health must be locally-led, experts have said.


Inequality matters

By Ann McGauran | 25 March 2021

A conference has delved into the most crucial issues facing local government public health leader...


Hancock launches 'dedicated, mission driven institution' to halt future pandemics

By Ann McGauran | 24 March 2021

A new ‘dedicated, mission-driven’ institution to halt future pandemics will build on existing exp...


A Beveridge-sized challenge for local government

By Michael Burton | 24 March 2021

Michael Burton says planning for the aftermath of the pandemic 'need not wait until the number of...


Whitty defends decision to centralise initial pandemic response

By Ann McGauran | 23 March 2021

A year on from the first lockdown England’s chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has de...


Back from the brink

By Cllr Matt Golby | 23 March 2021

In 2018, Northamptonshire CC became notorious in local government. Yet the council, which is soon...


Pushing for influence on the national stage

By Heather Jameson | 23 March 2021

Heather Jameson talks to chief executive of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, Graham F...


Change has no end game

By Manny Sandhu | 23 March 2021

If local government is to thrive in a post-pandemic world and be truly people-centred then invest...


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