Keep your eyes peeled

By Paul Wheeler | 25 November 2015

With councils under unrelenting pressure to remain transparent, Paul Wheeler looks at other publi...


Opaque devo practices 'create culture of secrecy'

By Sam Clayden | 25 November 2015

A lack of transparency in the devolution process now will ‘create a culture of secrecy’ going for...


It's the little things

By Tony Kirkham | 25 November 2015

Tony Kirkham explains how devolution and business rates reforms must improve the current system


Where are the tools?

By Cllr Nick Forbes | 25 November 2015

Cllr Nick Forbes urges the Government to use devolution to help usher in a new era of regulatory ...


A judgement on devolution

By Bev Cullen | 25 November 2015

Bev Cullen explains how devolution and tightened budgets will affect where councils stand legally


Deals of the century?

By Sam Clayden | 25 November 2015

George Osborne used his Spending Review to beat the drum for the ‘devolution revolution’ sweeping...


The problem solvers

By Cllr Richard Watts | 25 November 2015

The freedom to create local solutions to solve local problems is vital for local government, and ...


Like Arnie, the EU referendum will soon be back on the agenda

By Michael Burton | 25 November 2015

Michael Burton explains why local government needs to act ahead of the the EU referendum


Dark days

By Heather Jameson | 25 November 2015

Osborne’s hammer blow to local government in latest Spending Review cuts


Spending Review reveals the future – it's local

By Heather Jameson | 25 November 2015

Heather Jameson examines the fine print of the Spending Review to discover the real impact on loc...


Executive Director of Resources

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South Gloucestershire Council

Director of Strategy, Engagement and Change

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South Gloucestershire Council

Director of Economy and Environment

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Executive Director of Resources

£139,185 - £148,810

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South Gloucestershire Council

Director of Strategy, Engagement and Change

up to £102,664

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South Gloucestershire Council

Director of Economy and Environment

£103,277 to £114,031 pa

Sustainably developing skills, jobs, and infrastructure in Gloucestershire Apply for this job

Gloucestershire County Council