Housing minister Eddie Hughes this week insisted the Government would bring forward a social hous...
Council landlords could face large legal claims for discrimination unless they put in place perso...
Kensington & Chelsea LBC has admitted to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry its ‘leadership was unable to...
Media reports of the shocking state of some homes has given social housing providers a wake up ca...
The Government has failed to come up with a new deadline for replacing all unsafe Grenfell-style ...
One of the UK’s longest-serving chief executives, Barry Quirk, has announced he will retire after...
Michael Gove has vowed to use the law or increase taxes on developers if they refuse to pay for t...
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has apologised for failures in the lead ...
Cllr Kim Taylor-Smith says that with trust in Kensington & Chelsea LBC only starting to return af...
The chancellor has today announced £11.5bn to build up to 180,000 new affordable homes, calling i...
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An exciting opportunity has arisen for a determined and skilled individual Apply for this job
We are seeking exceptional candidates that will lead with impact, integrity and adaptability. Apply for this job
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