Redressing the balance

By Ann McGauran | 15 May 2019

Localis’s report Hitting reset – a case for local leadership puts the argument for a complete tra...


Cut business rates, claims Treasury's Truss

By Heather Jameson | 09 May 2019

Business rates should be cut to support the private sector, chief secretary to the Treasury, Liz ...


The dead hand of centralism

By Steve Leach | 24 April 2019

Central Government must give up its ‘iron grip’ on local government finances and free councils up...


Doubts over new taxes to fund Commonwealth Games

By Martin Ford | 15 April 2019

New forms of tax are unlikely to fill a £40m hole in funding for the Commonwealth Games budget, c...


Speak up! Making the case for devolved infrastructure funding

By Sir John Armitt | 27 March 2019

This week's launch of the National Infrastructure Commission's Next Steps for Cities programme ro...


Local income tax best bet for fiscal devo - IFS

By Heather Jameson | 21 March 2019

Local income tax would be the best option for fiscal devolution if the Government wanted to hand ...


A taxing problem

By Heather Jameson | 21 March 2019

Heather Jameson looks at the latest report from the IFS’s Local Government Finance Commission, wh...


The problem solvers

By Nickie Aiken | 21 March 2019

Cllr Nickie Aitken says it is time for the sector to stop pleading poverty and start working on s...


Let's trial fiscal devolution in areas like Westminster

By Heather Acton | 14 March 2019

Westminister has seen England's biggest fall in children's services budgets since 2010. Cllr Heat...


Spending Review launch dependent on securing Brexit deal

By Laura Sharman | 13 March 2019

Chancellor Philip Hammond has announced he plans to launch a full three-year Spending Review befo...


Deputy Lead / Team Manager Occupational Therapy

£61,980 - £65,478

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Change & Improvement Manager

£61,980 - £65,478

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Strategic Director

From £102,820 to £118,280 and Essential Car user Allowance

We are about to embark on a major transformation in Hampshire and Isle of Wight with the creation of a Strategic Authority... Apply for this job

Winchester City Council


Deputy Lead / Team Manager Occupational Therapy

£61,980 - £65,478

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Change & Improvement Manager

£61,980 - £65,478

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Strategic Director

From £102,820 to £118,280 and Essential Car user Allowance

We are about to embark on a major transformation in Hampshire and Isle of Wight with the creation of a Strategic Authority... Apply for this job

Winchester City Council