More scrutiny in local government?

By Benoit Guerin | 19 December 2018

Benoit Guerin explains why Government should review the case for setting up local Public Accounts...


EXCLUSIVE: Brokenshire in shared prosperity fund threat

By Dan Peters | 15 November 2018

Communities secretary James Brokenshire has threatened to withhold the shared prosperity fund (SP...


A fork in the road to austerity

By Nathan Elvery | 18 July 2018

Could CIPFA’s plans to create a financial resilience index for councils help rescue local governm...


Reshuffle the pack and let's start again

By Heather Jameson | 10 July 2018

We are back to square one when it comes to political certainties and at the same time we are seei...


Caught in the traffic lights

By Heather Jameson | 10 July 2018

As CIPFA members gather in Bournemouth for its annual conference, much attention will be paid to ...


The truth about accountability, transparency and f iscal health

By Heather Jameson | 27 June 2018

Heather Jameson says that just because there is local democracy, it doesn’t mean councils don’t h...


Donna Hall: Let's bring back the Audit Commission

By Donna Hall | 28 March 2018

Donna Hall believes Northamptonshire CC’s situation and the changing nature of chief executives’ ...


The Audit Commission needed its wings clipped but abolition was not the answer

By Andy Sawford | 28 March 2018

Northamptonshire CC’s woes have been fuelled by a real-time experiment that failed, writes Andy S...


Ombudsman warns councils not to outsource responsibility

By Laura Sharman | 14 March 2018

Councils have been urged by the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) to keep a ‘robust oversight’ of ...


Report demands new accountability powers for local government

By Sam Clayden | 26 February 2018

Academics have demanded a raft of tools to enable local government to hold to account the ‘chaoti...


Monitoring Officer

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Cheshire East Council

Leaving Care Group Manager

From £56,433 up to £64,951 per annum plus relocation support

As Group Manager you will have responsibility for the Leaving Care Team and Young People’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team. Apply for this job

North Yorkshire Council

Head of Finance

£87,546 - £95,092 per annum

We’re looking for a strong, visible, and inspirational leader to join us at Powys County Council. Apply for this job

Powys County Council


Monitoring Officer

To £115,826

Cheshire East is a big borough with huge potential. Apply for this job

Cheshire East Council

Leaving Care Group Manager

From £56,433 up to £64,951 per annum plus relocation support

As Group Manager you will have responsibility for the Leaving Care Team and Young People’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team. Apply for this job

North Yorkshire Council

Head of Finance

£87,546 - £95,092 per annum

We’re looking for a strong, visible, and inspirational leader to join us at Powys County Council. Apply for this job

Powys County Council