Unite has recommended its members reject the latest local government pay offer for England, Wales...
As local and regional government colleagues gather in Leeds this week for UKREiiF 2024, Jonathan ...
Cairistine Foster-Cannan explains how the East of England Local Government Association’s Talent B...
Toby Barnard explores the impact an effective learning and development programme can have on empl...
Matt Jones and Rachael Morris assess the current HR and OD landscape from a Penna perspective, an...
The budget for replacing an IT system with Oracle has ballooned from £2.6m to almost £40m, counci...
Annie Egginton explains how the West Midlands Pension Fund’s recruitment and retention strategy i...
Steve Guest warns of the importance of preparing our future leaders for the task ahead by creatin...
James Johns analyses the perceived lack of trust in AI technology and says it’s time to take the ...
Local government will face increasing workload pressures in the coming decade, but a vision for a...
This is a significant strategic leadership role within the Council. Apply for this job
This is a great role for a talented and ambitious individual who can offer a breadth of experience. Apply for this job
We are committed to making sure that every child makes the best start in life and we are striving to become a child-centred borough. Apply for this job
This is a significant strategic leadership role within the Council. Apply for this job
This is a great role for a talented and ambitious individual who can offer a breadth of experience. Apply for this job
We are committed to making sure that every child makes the best start in life and we are striving to become a child-centred borough. Apply for this job