Contestants headed to Wigan for the final round of the 2023 LG Challenge, to present their propos...
Renfrewshire Council has been accused of ‘gross incompetence’ by an independent review after leav...
Council leaders and developers have written to local government secretary Michael Gove criticisin...
Such new powers as councils are given are limited either on the face of the Levelling Up and Rege...
A design code is a set of requirements that provide parameters for the development of a site or a...
The new plans for investment zones are a major improvement on the previous version, but a number ...
Centre for Progressive Policy analysis has found that if 95 areas secured levels of business inve...
The UK is migrating to electric vehicles and, Robin Heap says, there are companies working to spe...
Further Government commitment to levelling up would boost investment in infrastructure, pension l...
Further Government commitment to levelling up would boost investment in infrastructure, pension l...
Transport is one of the key pillars of our devolution deal and a key priority for us Apply for this job
Transport is one of the key pillars of our devolution deal and a key priority for us Apply for this job
Premium jobIf you’re a passionate leader with a vision for community support and innovative services, Stratford-on-Avon has an opportunity for you. Apply for this job
Transport is one of the key pillars of our devolution deal and a key priority for us Apply for this job
Transport is one of the key pillars of our devolution deal and a key priority for us Apply for this job
Premium jobIf you’re a passionate leader with a vision for community support and innovative services, Stratford-on-Avon has an opportunity for you. Apply for this job