Councils ignore Whitehall data threat

By Dan Peters | 07 August 2023

A number of councils have ignored a Government threat to suspend their access to Whitehall data b...


Deprivation of liberty applications surge

By Martin Ford | 07 August 2023

The number of applications seeking authorisation to deprive children of their liberty has increas...


Home Office hotel use for lone child asylum seekers 'unlawful'

By Dan Peters | 28 July 2023

The High Court has found the Home Office’s use of hotels to house lone child asylum seekers to be...


Ending asylum hotel use would back UK 'into a corner'

By Martin Ford | 25 July 2023

The UK should not back itself ‘into a corner’ and exclude hotels as part of the solution to soari...


Council leader and deputy to face court after charges

By Mark Conrad | 27 June 2023

Ashfield DC’s leader has been summonsed to court charged with alleged fraud, money laundering, pa...


Legality of severance payment guidance questioned

By Dan Peters | 26 June 2023

The Local Government Association (LGA) has questioned the legality of statutory guidance governin...


Council loses asylum appeal

By Mark Conrad | 26 June 2023

Braintree DC has lost its appeal against Government plans to house asylum seekers on a former air...


Labour in planning pledge

By Mark Conrad | 19 June 2023

Labour has pledged to tackle planning hurdles preventing the development of renewable projects to...


Poor pandemic planning criticised

By Mark Conrad | 13 June 2023

Public health directors have delivered a withering assessment of the Government’s Covid-19 prepar...


Aslyum barges plan branded 'cynical and repugnant'

By Martin Ford | 08 June 2023

A council leader has attacked plans to house asylum seekers on barges in ports.


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£55,056 - £61,824 plus benefits and relocation support

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This role will be working with the statutory DASS role and the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care. Apply for this job

Torbay Council

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Senior Finance Business Partner

£55,056 - £61,824 plus benefits and relocation support

Premium jobWe are proud of the track record that South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA) has achieved over a long period. Apply for this job

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority

Divisional Director of Adult Social Care -Transformation and Commissioning

£113,417 to £115,863

This role will be working with the statutory DASS role and the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care. Apply for this job

Torbay Council

Chief Executive

£186,000 - £221,000

Enfield Council is looking for an exceptional Chief Executive to lead one of London’s most dynamic and diverse boroughs. Apply for this job

Enfield London Borough Council