Queen's Speech 2016: MPs to reassert power over peers

By Dan Peters | 18 May 2016

The power of MPs in the House of Commons could be strengthened under plans announced in today’s Q...


Battle over 'dreadful' Act 'is not over yet'

By Sam Clayden | 17 May 2016

Critics have warned the worst of the Housing and Planning Act will come in the yet-to-be-announce...


Peers slam CA's hasty public consultation

By Jamie Hailstone | 17 May 2016

Peers have criticised a public consultation on the West Midlands combined authority for being too...


LGA in universities link up

By Laura Sharman | 13 May 2016

Council chiefs are to work closely with universities to help re-design public services in six pil...


'Half-baked' Housing Bill to become law

By Sam Clayden | 12 May 2016

The controversial Housing and Planning Bill will become law after peers finally gave up their fight.


Time running out as lords deal further Housing Bill blow

By Sam Clayden | 11 May 2016

Peers have dealt a further blow to the Government’s Housing and Planning Bill as the Parliamentar...


Union calls for pensions law change

By Laura Sharman | 11 May 2016

UK law should be changed to incorporate a European directive that stresses councils have the powe...


Cameron backs down on child refugee proposals

By Sam Clayden | 04 May 2016

Prime minister David Cameron has climbed down on plans to block an amendment to resettle unaccomp...


MPs use finance excuse to block Lords housing amendments

By William Eichler | 04 May 2016

The Government has overruled several key amendments to the Housing and Planning Bill agreed in th...


Councils face court over boycott

By William Eichler | 04 May 2016

Three councils are being taken to the High Court today over their decisions to boycott goods prod...


Head of Parking Services


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Head of Highways and Traffic Services


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Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

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Head of Parking Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Head of Highways and Traffic Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

Do you want deliver highway and transport infrastructure and services to North Northamptonshire? Apply for this job

North Northamptonshire Council