£820m bed blocking cost putting services under strain

By Jamie Hailstone | 26 May 2016

Bed blocking is costing the NHS £820m a year and putting care services under strain, according to...


A local solution for apprentices

By Michelle Kirk | 25 May 2016

Budget restrictions and recruitment difficulties means many organisations are still struggling to...


Whitehall may stump up for rate appeals

By Sam Clayden | 25 May 2016

Whitehall could be prepared to compensate local authorities for the increased risk of appeals aft...


LGA Tories strike deal with Labour

By Heather Jameson | 25 May 2016

The Conservatives will continue to hold the chairmanship of the Local Government Association (LGA...


Councils keen on sector-led audit deals

By Dan Peters | 25 May 2016

More than 200 councils and other local bodies have indicated they would be interested in a sector...


EXCLUSIVE: Watchdog to probe final funding deal

By Dan Peters | 25 May 2016

Auditors are poised to probe a last-minute government decision to gift some councils £300m transi...


Council leader calls for law change

By Laura Sharman | 25 May 2016

The law should be changed to restrict councils from re-housing large numbers of people outside th...


Collaboration on digital transformation

By Jamie Hailstone | 24 May 2016

Four leading local government groups have joined forces to call on council leaders to use digital...


Political deal ends LGA stalemate

By Heather Jameson | 20 May 2016

The Conservatives will maintain the chairmanship of the Local Government Association, despite no ...


'Don't punish the devo undecided'

By Sam Clayden | 17 May 2016

Regions that have yet to fully embrace devolution should not be ‘penalised’ when Whitehall doles ...


Executive Director of Resources

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Director of Strategy, Engagement and Change

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Executive Director of Resources

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South Gloucestershire Council

Director of Strategy, Engagement and Change

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South Gloucestershire Council

Director of Economy and Environment

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Gloucestershire County Council