Getting place-based partnerships right

By Ann McGauran | 24 October 2022

New Integrated Care Systems must understand their local landscapes and focus on prevention if the...


Breaking the health outcomes gridlock

By Aidan Rave | 19 October 2022

Aidan Rave says if councils can harness their place-based networks then Integrated Care Boards co...


Maintaining momentum on social value

By Alison Ramsey | 10 October 2022

Collaboration between public and private sector will be key if we are to maintain progress on soc...


Going for growth is good but will not be enough on its own

By Andrew Carter | 10 October 2022

Going for growth is, of course, the right plan to pursue, says Andrew Carter. 'But its success wi...


We've come a long way together

By Rob Barlow | 28 September 2022

This week marks the first anniversary of the largest council partnership in the country. Rob Barl...


Stronger together

By Jason Longhurst | 26 September 2022

The public and the private sector must partner up if clean growth is to realise its transformatio...


A light(bulb) at the end of the tunnel?

By Pete John | 14 September 2022

Pete John looks at how the relationships we have with the organisations we work for – and how the...


Five key principles for drug harm reduction in Sandwell

By Dr Lisa McNally | 06 September 2022

Sandwell MBC is reversing the numbers of drug-related deaths through cost-effective investment, r...


Let's embrace a new challenge

By Manny Sandhu | 30 August 2022

Manny Sandhu explores why we should be looking at experiential learning to encourage a new type o...


Public sector: The key player on the road to decarbonisation

By Helen Tilton | 17 August 2022

Helen Tilton explains the public sector’s role in the journey to decarbonisation and the kinds of...


Interim Chief Officer

£80,000 - £100,000 per annum dependent on experience

Premium jobWe are seeking an experienced and dynamic Interim Chief Officer to lead Tamar Crossings for a two-year period. Apply for this job

Tamar Crossings

Director of Children & Young People

£120,000 - £130,000

St Helens is a modernising Council which is passionate and ambitious for the children and families we support. Apply for this job

St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Commercial and Contracts

Grade J, SCP48-51 (£58,327 - £61,853) per annum

With a large housing stock of c.28,000, Sandwell Council has a very strong commitment to improving the quality of existing stock Apply for this job

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council


Interim Chief Officer

£80,000 - £100,000 per annum dependent on experience

Premium jobWe are seeking an experienced and dynamic Interim Chief Officer to lead Tamar Crossings for a two-year period. Apply for this job

Tamar Crossings

Director of Children & Young People

£120,000 - £130,000

St Helens is a modernising Council which is passionate and ambitious for the children and families we support. Apply for this job

St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Commercial and Contracts

Grade J, SCP48-51 (£58,327 - £61,853) per annum

With a large housing stock of c.28,000, Sandwell Council has a very strong commitment to improving the quality of existing stock Apply for this job

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council