Blackpool threatens action over asylum hotel plans

By Laura Sharman | 10 September 2021

Blackpool Council has warned planning permission will be required to use a hotel to house hundred...


Planning's darkest hour?

By Hugh Ellis | 09 September 2021

Hugh Ellis and Dan Stone ask why England’s national planning policy does not prioritise action on...


Council leader warns of 'serious risks' over local plan withdrawal

By Chris Mahony | 07 September 2021

Rutland CC’s decision to withdraw its local plan leaves it facing ‘serious risks,’ the authority’...


Cumbria suffers 'loss of trust and reputational damage'

By Martin Ford | 02 September 2021

Cumbria CC has suffered from a breakdown in trust following an error in a planning application fo...


Report attacks councils' 'shameful' undermining of Right to Build laws

By Martin Ford | 23 August 2021

Some authorities have been ‘subverting’ legislation designed to encourage self-built homes, an in...


Croydon returns to drawing board on regeneration plans

By Naomi Larsson | 17 August 2021

The council maintains delayed plans to develop a Westfield shopping centre are going ahead, despi...


Planning for posterity

By Jonathan Werran | 17 August 2021

If we want to ensure the younger generation doesn’t miss out on housing opportunities, the focus ...


The use of 'Primary Residence' restrictions and Housing Supply

By Gareth Pinwell | 16 August 2021

Gareth Pinwell believes primary residence restrictions will not operate in a way that resolves th...


Complaints' outcomes are open for all of us to shape

By Michael King | 06 August 2021

This summer’s snapshot of complaints trends paints a ‘fascinating picture’, says local government...


Jenrick primes inspectors for planning changes despite growing revolt

By Heather Jameson | 06 August 2021

Communities secretary Robert Jenrick has written to the chief of the Planning Inspectorate amid g...