One in four English councils believe they are likely to be forced to apply for a bailout to avoid...
Thurrock Council has renewed calls for a public inquiry into its ‘financial collapse’.
A call has been made for an investigation into the issuing of Birmingham City Council’s section 114.
The two local authorities formed after the demise of Northamptonshire CC have agreed on how to sp...
Amid rising costs to the sector, the prospect of local government keeping a share of national tax...
David Phillips suggests steps the next government and councils should take to alleviate the secto...
Slough BC’s leadership should take ‘immediate action’ as the council is at risk of going £11m ove...
Local authorities in England have outspent cash boosts in the past few years, leaving core fundin...
Senior Local Government Association (LGA) figures expect the organisation’s long-standing relucta...
Soaring demand for children’s care placements has driven a culture of profiteering providers and ...
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