It makes little sense to have more than 500 local councils all fighting each other in the battle ...
The panel brought together by the Centre for Progressive Policy think-tank agreed local governmen...
Core Cities UK's offer to the UK Government to increase annual housing delivery up to a total of ...
Our Local Enterprise Partnership is proud to be leading the national debate on the future of the ...
London’s local services face pressures of up to £2bn over the Spending Review period, says Cllr D...
Jon Rouse highlights Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s progress in supporting care leavers. Getting t...
Kathryn Smith outlines her main concerns about the Government’s new plans for tackling the crisis...
Warwickshire CC has approved a business case for a £300m economic recovery plan to drive regenera...
Using Oldham’s regeneration strategy as an example, Stephen Cox presents his guide to the three k...
We need to make sure the principles that drove big set piece investments such as London 2012 are ...
The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job
This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job
We are about to embark on a major transformation in Hampshire and Isle of Wight with the creation of a Strategic Authority... Apply for this job
The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job
This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job
We are about to embark on a major transformation in Hampshire and Isle of Wight with the creation of a Strategic Authority... Apply for this job