Luton's long-term plan to attract £1.5bn

By Jamie Hailstone | 19 April 2016

Luton BC has launched a 20-year plan designed to attract £1.5bn of inward investment to the borough.


Scotland leads the way in tackling UK housing shortage

By Mark Robinson | 15 April 2016

Mark Robinson says the rest of the UK should take a lesson from Scotland on tackling the housing ...


East Dorset to look again at unitary option

By Laura Sharman | 15 April 2016

East Dorset DC has softened its opposition to exploring the possibility of a unitary council for ...


Adult social care value call

By Sam Clayden | 14 April 2016

Adult social care needs more democratic clout if it is to overcome the financial pressures it fac...


Give us everything

By Mark Rogers | 12 April 2016

Mark Rogers says what local government really needs is commitment to devolution across Westminster


The brave way forward for finances

By Tracie Evans | 12 April 2016

Haringey is now in year two of its three-year corporate plan, workforce plan and medium-term fina...


Sharing services for bigger benefits

By Rob Bridge | 12 April 2016

The Anglia Revenues Partnership (ARP), a group of seven local authorities working together to pro...


A matter of getting the right balance

By Barry Pirie | 12 April 2016

Barry Pirie outlines why agility matters for local authorities in this critical time


'Don't let slow pace of devo deter transformation'

By Dan Peters | 12 April 2016

Slow progress with devolution should not stop the march of public service transformation, an impr...


Gimme a mayor after midnight

By Paul Wheeler | 06 April 2016

Paul Wheeler gives his recommendations for aspiring mayors in Merseyside and Greater Manchester


Head of Parking Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Head of Highways and Traffic Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

Do you want deliver highway and transport infrastructure and services to North Northamptonshire? Apply for this job

North Northamptonshire Council


Head of Parking Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Head of Highways and Traffic Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

Do you want deliver highway and transport infrastructure and services to North Northamptonshire? Apply for this job

North Northamptonshire Council