Whitehall speed dating

Diary is a bit old-fashioned when it comes to dating.

Diary is a bit old-fashioned when it comes to dating.

We are more about tenderness than Tinder, can be found bumbling around rather than on Bumble and are keener to talk about match funding than Match.com.

It seems even Whitehall is leaving us behind, with Diary told about – but not invited to - a recent ‘speed dating' event.

On closer investigation, it turns out that this was not designed to engineer a new super-breed of civil servant nor introduce a sprinkling of love to the stuffy corridors of Whitehall.

Rather, the event was a way of recruiting new blood to the civil service, with officials from various departments selling their offer to potential mandarins.

Presumably, culture vultures might be attracted to DCMS, country bumpkins would be keen to check out what Defra has to offer while do-gooders would be intrigued about working for DFID.

It got Diary wondering how sexy is the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)?

The answer from one insider: ‘I know it's sad but local government is actually pretty interesting. Sadly, it's hard to sell local government.'

Perhaps Diary has found its match.


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