York councillors vote to strip Prince Andrew of honorary freedom

York councillors yesterday unanimously voted to remove Prince Andrew’s honorary freedom of the city.

York councillors yesterday unanimously voted to remove Prince Andrew's honorary freedom of the city. 

The extraordinary full council meeting voted to remove the honorary title presented to the prince in 1987 as a wedding gift.

Prince Andrew was contacted by council officers in advance of the meeting to inform him of councillors' intention to seek to remove the honorary freedom.

York councillors also made calls for the prince to relinquish his Duke of York honour in the wake of the sexual assault case brought against him, which has been settled out of court.

The council's executive member for culture, leisure and communities, Darryl Smalley, said: ‘The honorary freedom of York is the highest honour we, as a city, can bestow on those who represent the very best of York.

‘Having been stripped of his military roles and royal patronages by the Queen, we believe that it is right to remove all links that Prince Andrew still has with our great city.

‘I was pleased to see councillors of all parties support this motion and make it clear that it is no longer appropriate for Prince Andrew to represent York and its residents.

‘The removal of this honorary title sends the right message that we, as a city, stand with victims of abuse.

'The next logical step is now for Prince Andrew to do the right thing and relinquish his Duke of York title.

If he fails to do so, the Government and Buckingham Palace must step in to remove his title to finally end Prince Andrew's connection to York.'



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