Author Profile

Ian Miller

Ian Miller

Articles by Ian Miller

Where are district councils left under a minority Government?

By Ian Miller | 19 July 2017

Ian Miller demands early clarity on local government finance reform.

What the Tory manifesto means for district councils

By Ian Miller | 30 May 2017

Ian Miller breaks down the Conservative manifesto and analyses how, if the Tories are in power, t...

Districts do far more than just collect council tax

By Ian Miller | 11 April 2017

Ian Miller rejects recent comments about the role of districts and highlights the important dutie...

Questioning priorities

By Ian Miller | 13 December 2016

Taking evidence from the Autumn Statement, Ian Miller considers whether the Government's supposed...

Pressure on parishes

By Ian Miller | 18 October 2016

Government proposals on council tax referenda are worrying and parishes need to voice their conce...

Billing authority role must remain

By Ian Miller | 17 August 2016

The Department for Communities and Local Government consultation paper, Self-sufficient local gov...

A threat to decision making

By Ian Miller | 15 June 2016

Ian Miller identifies worrying trends in the Government's drive towards standardisation of data

Investigate the audits

By Ian Miller | 14 April 2016

Ian Miller asks whether districts can really justify spending millions on auditing housing benefi...

What's in a name?

By Ian Miller | 10 February 2016

Ian Miller sets a challenge for local government over a divisive term that puts at risk historic ...

Districts should welcome Sunday trading powers

By Ian Miller | 18 August 2015

One of the policy announcements in the Summer Budget was a proposal to devolve decision-making on...