Author Profile

Ian Miller

Ian Miller

Articles by Ian Miller

A wasteful proposal

By Ian Miller | 06 February 2019

A universal free garden waste collection service cannot represent an efficient use of Government ...

Let's have fiscal levers for local areas

By Ian Miller | 28 November 2018

The Government should take steps to enable local areas to fund services through various fiscal le...

Ups and downs for districts

By Ian Miller | 21 August 2018

Ian Miller gives an overview of the latest decisions and indecisions to affect district councils.

Our economies are constrained by centuries old boundaries

By Ian Miller | 03 July 2018

Ian Miller calls for a bottom up approach to LEP boundaries in the future.

Calls for a new Audit Commission are an affront to localism

By Ian Miller | 25 April 2018

Ian Miller rejects recent calls for the reinvention of the Audit Commission.

Truth hates delay

By Ian Miller | 27 February 2018

The Government can’t keep using the 2017 General Election and work on Brexit as excuses for inact...

Let's hope the ministry works with us on finance

By Ian Miller | 16 January 2018

Ian Miller analyses the impacts of the finance settlement on districts.

Ian Miller: my biggest gripes at the moment

By Ian Miller | 13 December 2017

Ian Miller rounds up the biggest frustrations for district chiefs as another year draws to a close.

Planning authorities demand radical financial reforms

By Ian Miller | 25 October 2017

Ian Miller calls for planning authorities to be allowed to set fees on the basis of full cost rec...

What districts want

By Ian Miller | 19 September 2017

Ian Miller on what district councils would like to see from the Budget and local government finan...