Author Profile

Javed Khan

Javed Khan

Articles by Javed Khan

Speaking out on harmful behaviour

By Javed Khan | 18 October 2016

New approaches are needed to effectively deal with the issue of children sexually harming other y...

Time to be bold

By Javed Khan | 20 July 2016

It’s imperative councils seize this chance to deliver innovative support to children and there ar...

Tackling FGM on the front line

By Javed Khan | 07 June 2016

Local government is seen as crucial to tackling female genital mutilation. Javed Khan explains ho...

A lifeline for vulnerable children

By Javed Khan | 03 May 2016

With successful schemes helping care leavers spread their wings, Javed Khan says local authoritie...

Do we know enough to keep children safe in this increasingly digital age?

By Javed Khan | 21 May 2015

Javed Khan argues the case for introducing child impact assessments to protect vulnerable childre...

It couldn't happen here

By Javed Khan | 10 February 2015

Barnardo’s chief executive, Javed Khan, analyses what local government should learn in the afterm...

Austerity is here for the forseeable future

By Javed Khan | 24 December 2014

In this age of austerity we all have to tighten our belts and make tough decisions about what we ...

Time to end B&B scandal

By Javed Khan | 03 November 2014

Barnardo's launched a spoof website 'CareBnB' because 51% of local authorities are still placing ...