Local government minister Brandon Lewis has defended the Government’s shift away from a ‘needs-ba...
Last week the New Local Government Network conference convened at the Magic Circle in central Lon...
Somerset CC chief executive Sheila Wheeler has left the authority ‘by mutual agreement’ after mon...
What technology will our cities need in the future? The MJ and Microsoft asked a round table how ...
The Merseyside councils are making a ‘pig’s breakfast’ of choosing a name and leader for their co...
The British Retail Consortium could call for a shift away from business rates in favour of an inc...
The Government has given a green light to a combined authority for the Liverpool City Region.
For those not up to our knees in floodwater, this week has been characterised by waves of decentr...
The head of civil service reform, Katherine Kerswell, has stepped down and been replaced by White...
The general election may be a long way away, but as the parties start to consider the future for ...
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