A Whitehall battle is set to erupt amid calls for further local government reorganisations, The M...
LGA Chair, Sir Merrick Cockell, pens letter urging education secretary, Michael Gove, to return £...
Louise Casey, has hit back at criticisms that the coalition's flagship programme is behind schedule.
SOLACE needs a strong voice to defend the sector, according to Heather Jameson.
How do you boost the local economy at a time when investment is so hard to secure? Asks Heather J...
Liverpool's new mayor Joe Anderson tells Heather Jameson why he by-passed a referendum to change ...
More than half of public sector staff fail to take precautions to protect sensitive information t...
Barnet LBC chief executive Nick Walkley has been hired to take on the top post at neighbouring Ha...
It is astounding how politics is utterly obsessed with a very small clique operating on the natio...
Haringey LBC has had its 2011/12 accounts signed off by auditors at the 11th hour, following a se...
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